Benefits Of A Credit Card

Fancy shopping online, but don’t want to pay for the goods upfront? Interested in travelling abroad but are worried about using cash or paying by card? There’s a credit card out there for you!

In this post we’ll discuss why it’s important to have one, how they work and the best credit cards on offer as well as what pitfalls might await you. All that and much more awaits you in our article.

Why Use a Credit Card?

You might be wondering why use a credit card if you are going to end up paying interest on it? Well, the answer is simple: convenience. Credit cards allow you to make multiple purchases at the same time (as long as they’re under your limit) and allow you access to more options for those holiday purchases. You can pay for groceries, rent, a taxi ride and flight ticket all on one card! And best of all: no need to carry cash around.

How Credit Cards Work

So how do credit cards work? Let’s first look at the advantages of a credit card:

1. You can make multiple purchases on one card and only need to pay off the balance later. This means convenience if you’re on holiday as you just need to carry one card. If you’re travelling in Europe, it can also be helpful to have a low limit as there are many places that only accept cards with a minimum limit of 10 euros or 15 euros etc. Whatever your limit is, it can be useful to have a card with a low limit because you’re less likely to end up spending more.

2. You can use credit cards as cash. This is extremely handy if you’re going abroad and don’t have a spare bank card with you. Take advantage of withdrawing what money you need from ATMs when abroad and pay for travel on your credit card (however, make sure you have enough cash for the last ATM stop).

3. They offer more options than debit cards. Debit cards are tied to a specific bank account, so if you don’t have cash in your account, you can’t make a purchase. That’s not the case with credit cards as they are tied to a card and not to your specific bank account.

So how do credit cards work? Quite simple: you first need to apply for a card then use it to make purchases .

Fancy shopping online, but don’t want to pay for the goods upfront? Interested in travelling abroad but are worried about using cash or paying by card? There’s a credit card out there for you! In this post we’ll discuss why it’s important to have one,…